Posts Tagged ‘ad revenue

If you are making a personal weblog where only you’ll be the author it is quite easy to embed Google AdSense Ads in your WordPress theme. But if you have a blog with multiple authors it becomes harder to track the revenues and share it among all the people. But there is a better alternative to do that with the help of a single WordPress plugin called AdShare…

By using the AdShare WordPress Plugin you can easily and quickly embed a code to show AdSense Ads from different publishers (your authors AdSense accounts) without without having to make heavy modifications to your blog. By using the AdShare plugin when a visitor opens your blog and reads a post by one author he’ll see AdSense Ads from his account and if an Ad is being clicked the revenue will go to the author. This will make it easier for you to attract new authors for your blog and at the same time stimulate all writers to improve their articles, because better articles attract more visitors and generate bigger revenue. So basically you are in a win-win situation – your authors are happy and your visitors are happier… ;)


Have in mind that the AdShare plugin requires WordPress version 2.7+ so your blog’s software should be up to date. After you upload and activate the plugin you’ll have to configure it going to Settings / AdShare. You’ll just have to define the default AdSense ID that will be used when an author cannot be determined – this should be your ID as the owner/creator of the blog. Then you need to enter the AdSense IDs for all your authors usernames and as the tird and last option you can choose to support the plugin by showing ADs with the plugin author’s AdSense ID. If you activate the support option about 2% of all show Google ADs will be to support the author so he’ll be able to continue to develop the plugin, but you are not required to.

When you configured all the IDs in the settings of the plugin you’ll need to modify your Blog’s template and to be more exact the Google AdSense code that you might’ve already placed or are going to insert. You need to change only the google_ad_client variable from it’s static value with a dynamic one that will be different according to the circumstances.

The standard value that looks like this:
google_ad_client = "pub-#########";

Needs to be replaced like this:
google_ad_client = "<?php global $pubid; echo $pubid; ?>";

If you are going to dynamically insert Google ads in your widgets or posts that are not going to be defined in the template files you’ll have to replace the above code with the following:
google_ad_client = "[pubid]";

Download the AdShare WordPress Plugin…
