Posts Tagged ‘bug fixes

The new version 2.8 of WordPress called “Baker” has been officially released for download. WordPress 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies and overall speed. In the new version there were over 790 bugs fixed from the previous release. Visually WordPress 2.8 feels a lot like the previous 2.7, with just with some minor tweaks here and there…

First and foremost, WordPress 2.8 is way faster to use because of a lot of changes in the way it does style and scripting. There is also an automatic updated for themes much like the core and plugins updates introduced in the previous version. If you make edits or tweaks to themes or plugins from your dashboard, you’ll appreciate the new CodePress editor which gives syntax highlighting to the previously-plain editor. Also there is now contextual documentation for the functions in the file you’re editing linked right below the editor. The widgets interface has been completely redesigned in order to make them even more usable and straightforward even for new WordPress users. Finally you should explore the new Screen Options on every page in order to utilize all the available space on your high-resolution widescreen display.

Download WordPress Version 2.8 Baker
For a full list of new features of WordPress 2.8
