Posts Tagged ‘classic colors

According to psychologists and marketing professionals, people are most attracted by pictures portraying other people – especially if they can (or want to) associate them with themselves. So if you want to win the attention of a big audience – this theme displaying a handsome yuppie is right what you’ve been looking for. Elegant combination of classic colors, flexibility, and professional design make this theme perfect for News portals and big business related websites. The BusinessNews theme is wordpress 3.1 compatible, Widget-Ready, User-Friendly, has a Built-in IE6 PNG fix, W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid, supports Fluent width and is Fully compatible IE7, IE6, Safari 2+, Firefox 2+, Opera 9+. It also comes with additional localizations for German and Spanish languages that you can download separately.

For more information about the BusinessNews Premium WordPress Theme
