Posts Tagged ‘design portfolio

Geometric takes a structured approach to showcasing two rather non-structured things: blogs & design portfolios. The modifications made possible by the widgetized spaces however, takes all of the rigidness out of this template and enables you to be you. Geometric is a hybrid of a blog + portfolio and thus enables you to run both these as an integrated offering on one WP installation. You get a custom home page, which is completely widgetized and thus allows you to move different widgets (for blogging, portfolio & social profiles) around as you wish; a completely widgetized sidebar, along with 12 custom (Geometric-specifc) widgets that you can use; ability to interchange between a left and right sidebar; styling for both blog and portfolio items that are carried forth throughout the site (category, date-based and tag archives, along with search results); and the ability to publish all of your social profiles throughout the site – allowing you to connect with more of your users. Making simple changes without editing code, like adding your own logo, changing to an alternate color style, adding Google Analytics code, couldn’t be easier with the back-end theme options panel. The theme is compatible with all the modern web browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer. There is an image resizer script built into the theme framework to automatically scales your post images for pixel perfect display in our templates. No need to upload new cropped images when re-designing your website. It comes packaged with a .po file for easy WordPress theme translations into your desired language – editing one neat little file without hunting down text in the theme templates.

For more details about the Geometric Premium WordPress Theme
