Useful Information and Resources for Bloggers and Blog Owners
Looking for something nice and cute to embellish your blog and give it a summer look? Then you are only a click away from having one, easy to use and customize. This theme is perfect for personal blogs. Enjoy blogging with this beautiful theme. The GreenFreshart features 2 bonus exciting and colorful preset style combinations, besides the default Green, you also get Orange and Blue color themes as options. The theme comes in English, but you can also download ready made localizations for German (DE) and Spanish (ES), so you can save yourself some time should you need translation into these. The GreenFreshart theme is WordPress 3.1 compatible, Widget-ready, very user-friendly, has a built-in IE6 PNG fix, is W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid, as well as fully compatible IE7, IE6, Safari 2+, Firefox 2+, Opera 9+. And the best of all is that it is completely free.
– For more information about the GreenFreshart Premium WordPress Theme
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