Posts Tagged ‘open source


Piwik is a free and open source real time web analytics software very similar to Google’s Analytics service. Piwik can be regarded as a kind of an advanced Google’s Analytics clone script as it provides very similar detailed reports about your website’s visitors such as the search engines and keywords they used to come, the language they speak, your popular pages… or in other words with it you can check out who has been visiting your page, when, how and why in great details. Piwik is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database, meaning that you can quickly and easily download and install on your own web server and start using it. After the quick installation you will be given a JavaScript code that you need to put among the other code of your website in order for the visitors to be tracked.

Piwik has some advantages as compared to Google Analytics, such as the generation of real time web analytics reports, your own web analytics data stays on your server and is not shared with third parties such as Google, additional plugins to extend functionality and a big online community of users. As already mentioned this website traffic analysis script that gives you detailed information about the visitors on your website is completely free and open source, and you can use one installation to track the visitors you get on multiple websites. So you can forget the need to use Google Analytics anymore as you will have faster and better solution, running on your own website, more customizable and expendable and absolutely free.

Visit the official Piwik project website to download or for more information…
