Useful Information and Resources for Bloggers and Blog Owners
AskIt is perhaps the most advanced theme we have created, and effectively transforms your blog into a fully functional question and answer site. AskIt allows your visitors to post their questions and have them answered by fellow members. Any visitor can post answers to these questions which are then voted on by the community until a “correct” answer is chosen by the question author. AskIt comes with seven different color variations. If the default colorscheme isn’t your style, then surely one of our alternate versions will suite your needs. Visitors can help choose the correct answer by voting answers up/down. Post authors can also deem a single answer as “correct” for each question. With our external member signup and question submission forms, your visitors will never have to deal with the WordPress dashboard to manage their posts. Now you can instill a sense of community through the use of member ratings. Each of your members receives a star rating based off their number of correct answers. This theme utilizes timthumb to automatically resize your thumbnail images. Because of this, only one thumbnail images is required per post, despite the various thumbnail sizes used in the theme. With AskIt you can place 125×125 banner images in your sidebar and 468×60 ads to your post pages with ease. Advertisements are handled from within wp-admin, and can be turned on and off at any time.
– For more information about the AskIt Premium WordPress Theme
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IntenseDebate Comments WordPress Plugin
21, Jun 2009Building a blog and trying to turn it into a community of some kind is not an easy thing to do, especially if you want to have your visitors opinions’ on different topics you write about. Sure, WordPress has a nice comments system, but it does not allow you to really utilize the potential your blog might have in terms of communicating with the readers. You just have some sort of simple commenting system, but if you really want to build an active community in your blog you should provide them with more options, making your blog more like a forum where all topics are being started by you, but the visitors can comment and discuss them all they want almost like in a real forum. So here comes the IntenseDebate Comments Plugin for WordPress that can help you make just that…
IntenseDebate Comments is specifically designed to enhance and encourage conversation on your blog or website, so that once a visitor comes and leaves a comment he’ll return to read the following discussion. The plugin has custom integration with your WordPress admin panel making moderation a piece of cake, almost like moderating a forum. With IntenseDebate Comments plugin you get comment threading, reply-by-email, user accounts and reputations, comment voting functionality, along with Twitter and friendfeed integrations to enrich your readers’ experience and make more of the internet aware of your blog and comments which drives traffic to you. There is a full comment and account data sync between Intense Debate and WordPress to ensure that you will always have your comments even after upgrading or removing the plugin for some reason. IntenseDebate Comments plugin requires WordPress version 2.5 or higher and is fully compatible with the latest version 2.8 so check that requirement before installing it in your blog and if needed you shpuld upgrade the version of WordPress you have currently installed.
– Download the current version 2.2 of IntenseDebate Comments Plugin
– View the official website of IntenseDebate Comments Plugin for more information…