Useful Information and Resources for Bloggers and Blog Owners
Anticipate is a maintenance mode plugin that allows you to serve your visitors an alternate “coming soon” page while you work on building your website in the background. Once activated, all of your visitors will be sent to the Anticipate landing page. When logged in as a WordPress Admin, however, your normal theme appears, allowing you to build your website seamlessly in the background. Anticipate comes with an easy to use options page that allows to you configure the plugins in minutes. Anticipate comes with an animated countdown and progress bar, helping you to build hype about your upcoming release before its even ready. The plugins includes an email subscribe form that allows interested visitors to add their email address to an interest list. These emails are stored in the database, and can be exported from within the options page. Social networking icons are added to the coming soon page, allowing you to increase your online presence and gain a following before your website even launches. The slider allows you to add a few short blurbs to the page to tell your visitors what you are all about.
– For more information about the Anticipate WordPress Plugin
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Simple Solution to Fight SPAM Comments
4, Jun 2009Nowadays the spam comments in blogs have become quite a serious problem for almost any blogger. There are a lot of automated solutions that try to block the automatic spam bots that visit your blog and leave a mess in the comment sections of your posts. But why should you add additional heavy load to your hosting server with very advanced spambot protection solutions that are hard to implement and configure and not always provide 100% protection when there are some very simple and still quite efficient solutions?
One such solution is the Block-Spam-By-Math WordPress Plugin that protects registration, login and comment forms from spambots by just adding a simple math question to it (example: “What is 4+3 ?“). This approach should give you 100% anti-spam protection and if any spambot bypasses it you can quickly and easily modify is just a bit to get back your full protection. So say bye-bye to the SPAM comments with the help of the quick and simple solution provided by Block-Spam-By-Math that needs noting more than to upload and activate it. And the best thing for this plugin is that it not only protects your blog from spam comments, but also from automated registrations and login attempts. And the only small drawback is that by default you also get the math question when you are logged in and need to post a comment to answer to a question from your visitors…
– Download Block-Spam-By-Math WordPress Plugin